Oak and Walnut Staircase

EW-15 cover
Dean Wolfe of Manchester, California constructed this spiral staircase of red oak and black walnut.

This unique spiral staircase was designed and built by Dean Wolfe of Manchester, California. Dean used WEST SYSTEM® 105 Resin with either 205 Fast or 206 Slow Hardener, depending on the time need to assemble a part. 403 Microfibers was the adhesive filler for all bonding operations.

He used red oak for the laminated tread support knees (below) and for the balusters. The stair treads and handrail are laminated black walnut. The handrail was laminated as one piece, using the completed stair tread as a clamping jig (below).

The stair treads received two coats of 105/207 Special Clear Hardener and four coats of semi-gloss polyurethane. The knees, balusters and handrails also received four coats of polyurethane.