We have a lot of Reader’s Projects to share with you from Epoxyworks 57. Check them out!
Number 57, Fall 2023
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By Russell Brown I was recently asked for help in choosing adhesives for a large spar-building project. This led to much thought and discussion with the wonderful WEST SYSTEM® Technical Advisors. The choices we made won’t surprise anyone, but the reasons we made those choices are worth explanation.
By Neil Musgrave I’m a Red Seal Journeyman Cabinetmaker with many hobbies, including restoring old vehicles. I combined both the love of my craft and my hobbies to build a running/driving, cherry strip, 1928 Ford® Roadster Pickup.
By David Fortier The first DN that I constructed was in 1988. My brother, Wayne, gave me the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association (IDNIYRA) official plans and a gallon kit of WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy to get started. The official plans I believe were the Gougeon® “wedge” design. I was a soft water sailor, racing […]
By Mark Borg I have been using WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy for over 20 years. Over that time my projects have included building carbon fiber bikes and an amphibious robot to test my autonomous navigation software for my PhD in Robotics. Most recently, however, I built RC scale models of the 1995 America’s Cup winner Black […]