Core is a valuable part of composite construction. Core materials add stiffness while adding very little weight and usually low additional material costs. The construction of an I-beam is a perfect example of how increasing web height (or distance between two load-bearing flanges) increases the stiffness of a beam in cored composite laminates. Solid Laminate […]
Latest articles by Rachael Geerts
By Rachael Geerts – GBI Composite Materials Engineer Have you ever wondered how laminate thickness can be determined without breaking out the epoxy and reinforcement fabric? The answer is simple—use math. While some of you may have just lost interest because you think math is too difficult, I can assure you that this math requires […]
Please Don’t By Rachael Geerts—GBI Composite Materials Engineer Every year we get questions regarding how to spray WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy. Some people want to know how to thin epoxy so it comes out of a spray gun better while others want to know what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required for spraying epoxy safely. We […]
By Rachael Geerts—GBI Composite Materials Engineer When should you use yellow glue (also called wood glue or carpenter’s glue) and when should you use WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy? This is common question epoxy users ask, especially when trying to choose the best adhesive for their woodworking projects. Let’s look at when one is a better choice […]
By Rachael Geerts – GBI Composites Materials Engineer You’ve just finished your epoxy project and it looks great! But you don’t want the sun’s UV rays to start degrading the epoxy. So, like the smart individual you are, you look into applying a UV stable topcoat over the epoxy so your project will last for […]