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By Eric Sponberg In 1978, at 28, my wife Arliss and I sailed our 27′ Bianca, Duprass, from England to California. It was on that trip that I first learned of WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy in the form of an ULDB (ultra light displacement boat) named Circus Maximus. My first hands-on experience mixing WEST SYSTEM Epoxy […]
By Kai Sturmann. In this article, we explore the rebirth of a classic rowing shell. Not having any particular skills in wooden boat building or repair, I embarked on a project to resuscitate a near-derelict wooden rowing shell. Determination is a 23′, Joseph Garofalo-built, single sliding-seat wherry. While fully expecting this to be an immersive […]
WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy is an invaluable resource for creating a clear coating that highlights the natural beauty of wood grain while providing four times the thickness of a single coat of polyurethane. In just a few simple steps, you can achieve a beautiful, bubble-free wooden surface using epoxy resin. Bubbles are a frustrating side effect […]
Whatever project you’re working on, you’ll need several coats of epoxy resin and hardener. Most projects require between two and four coats. However many coats you plan to apply, it is essential to recoat at the right time and in the right way while ensuring your surface is properly prepared. How you prepare a surface […]