Readers’ Projects, Issue 59

Check out the featured Readers’ Projects from Epoxyworks 59!

Knife by Duane Northrup

I have been successfully using the excellent G/Flex® 650 Toughened Epoxy for the last five years. The ease of use, the working time and the epoxy’s waterproof nature makes steel to wood, or composite bonds simple and permanent. No G/Flex 650 bonded knife that has left my bench has experienced a failure. I am confident that this WEST SYSTEM® testimonial is not just from me but from knife builders worldwide.

10′ Kayak by Ray McCarthy

My son’s high school graduation present in 1998, I built this 10′ Kayak. The kayak was built with WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy, okume plywood, and 4 oz. fiberglass cloth. I used the “tortured plywood” or stitch and glue technique. The hard chines make it very stable. 26 years later, my son still fishes from it on Cape Cod ponds and marshes. It’s still light and watertight. Thanks, Gougeon Brothers!

1968 13′ Boston Whaler

Restoration by Chris Benzen. This boat sits in Newport Harbor, California. I fully restored it a couple of years ago. I used WEST SYSTEM 105 Epoxy Resin® and 206 Slow Hardener® to fill the holes left from removing the oarlocks. I mixed cut-up chop strands and 105/206 to a mayonnaise consistency and filled the holes. I also used the mixture where I had a crack. I built up the area and sanded it flush. Here’s the finished boat on a small beach in the harbor that I frequent with my dog and friends.