Row boat by Joshua Rouch

Readers’ Projects, Issue 52

Wooden rowboat (featured image, above) by Joshua Rouch.

Buster Welch’s Boats & Furniture

Buster Welch of Clandeboye, Manitoba, Canada has had extensive experience with epoxy. He began with building a cedar strip canoe in 1973 after seeing one of Ted Moores’s (Bear Mountain Boats) on display at the Toronto Boat Show.

Strip canoe by Buster Welch
Strip canoe built inspired by Ted Moores and built by Buster Welch.

Since then, he has built or supervised the construction of another two dozen strip canoes. In the beginning, he fiberglassed with polyester but switched to WEST SYSTEM® Epoxy because it is much better at adhering to cedar.

22' stitch and glue Bartender by Buster Welch
22′ stitch and glue Bartender by Buster Welch

Welch has also built a 22′ Bartender (above) using stitch and glue construction with 24′ long, scarfed plywood sheets. Early on, Welch was taken with the idea of laminating to create unique and functional furniture (below). He’s especially proud of his chair design that has proven surprisingly strong. At least eighteen of his chairs have been used heavily over the last 40 years, and only three of them have had minor failures. He has also used epoxy to coat eight tabletops for durability.

Walnut table, 2012, three of four leaves, eight by three feet by Buster Welch.
Rocking chair by Buster Welch
Maple and purpleheart rocking chair handcrafted by Buster Welch.

Hardwood Surfaces by David S. Wilburn

David S. Wilburn of Providence, Rhode Island was hired by a friend to laminate these hardwood surfaces (below). He used epoxy to fill the little voids and blemishes prior to wide-belt sanding. He’ll be installing all ten of these surfaces in his friend’s high-end butcher shop/restaurant in the near future.

Hardwood surface created by David S. Wilburn. Will be installed in a friend's high-end butcher shop.
Hardwood surface created by David S. Wilburn. Will be installed in a friend’s high-end butcher shop.
Hardwood surfaces under construction, by David S. Wilburn.
Hardwood surfaces under construction, by David S. Wilburn.

Epoxy wood inlays by Shane Peters, Shane’s Hardwoods

Shane Peters's inlay interpretation of Notre Dame's Fighting Irish mascot.
Inlay interpretation of Notre Dame’s Fighting Irish mascot by Shane Peters, Shane’s Hardwoods.
Big Paul on the Grill inlay by Shane Peters.
Big Paul on the Grill inlay by Shane Peters, Shane’s hardwood.
The Montesano's Lake Mohawk inlaid plaque by Shane Peters, Shane's Hardwoods.
The Montesano’s Lake Mohawk inlaid plaque by Shane Peters, Shane’s Hardwoods.
Shane Peters's inlay interpretation of The Corpse Bride
Hardwood inlay of The Corpse Bride by Shane Peters, Shanes Hardwoods.

Hunting Blade by Wayne Meligan

Hunting blade by Wayne Meligan
Hunting blade by Wayne Meligan.